COP26 - Success or Failure?

In many ways this is a rhetorical question; everyone has their opinion. Some of our clients think the outcome is very good, others are extremely disappointed. As always, much comes down to prior expectations, and to the economic sector in which you do most of your business.

What Will It Change For Your Business?
Most of the discussions were around what governments and large corporates could do to arrest climate change.

But what can SMEs do? A great deal. It is obvious that their individual actions will not immediately change the big picture. They can though meet the challenges by changing what they currently do. Start small. Build a strategy, implement what may appear to be minor changes to waste management, the circular economy, the source(s) of the energy you use, and much more. If enough SMEs take action, it will bring positive results. The targets must be meaningful and measurable, your clients, customers, and third-party suppliers will judge you on the outcomes.

We are Carbon Literacy accredited, and we are currently advising a number of SMEs about developing and implementing a meaningful strategy, supported by relevant and cost-effective action plans, to tackle climate change.

If you are interested in using our knowledge and experience, leave a message. The initial discussion is no-cost, no-obligation, and in the unlikely event that we cannot help you we will point you towards someone who can.
#climatechange #circulareconomy #strategy

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